Fun Area

Schedule and Programming
Saturday, September 23, 2023
All Day Various Game Demos
All Day Belly Dancing Demos by Saraab Dancers
100 Hidden Golden Eggs!! Try to find one!
10:00 am Opening
11:00 am "Anime 101" by Assorted Speakers
12:00 pm "Costuming on a Budget" by Assorted Speakers
1:00 pm "Lights, Camera, Action! Breaking into Film & Television" by Ann Marie Crouch, Elesia Marie, and Kalvo Griffin
2:00 pm Costume Contest by Uss Continuum
3:00 pm "Special Effects Zombie Makeup" by Eric Dupre The Underground FX Lab
4:00 pm "Getting Ghosted" with Celebrity Guests: Chris Smith and Mike Goncalves of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers Travel Channel, "Haunted Towns" and Destination America's "Ghost Asylum" and Second Sight Paranormal and Forensic Services.
5:00 pm "Whose Line Is It Anyway Improvisational Comedy and Reality TV" Tam Taylor and Teance Blackburn
6:00 pm Closing
Off-Site Activities:
Sept 22 Friday and Sept 23 Saturday ghost hunt at 8 pm
Ghost Investigation at the Pensacola Victorian Bed & Breakfast 203 W Gregory St, Pensacola, FL 32502 850 https://www.pensacolaghostevents.com/
Sept 24 Sunday ghost hunt at *6 Pm
Ghost Investigation at the Seville Quarter 130 E Government St Pensacola, FL 32502
Sunday, September 24, 2023
All Day Various Game Demos
100 Hidden Golden Eggs!! Try to find one!
10:00 am Opening
11:00 am "How to Draw Comic Book Characters" by Les Gardner
12:00 "Beam Me Up: UFO Disclosure" by Kat Hodson and Wanye Wooten
1:00 "Writing 101: Creating Compelling Characters" by Shane Ahalt and Charles D. Moisant
2:00 pm Costume Contest hosted by Second Sight Paranormal, the Ghost Hunter Wives
3:00 pm "New Age Flower Power: Metaphysically Speaking" by Assorted Speakers
4:00 pm "Getting Ghosted" with Celebrity Guests: Chris Smith and Mike Goncalves of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers Travel Channel, "Haunted Towns" and Destination America's "Ghost Asylum" and Second Sight Paranormal and Forensic Services.
5:00 pm "Talk Nerdy to Me" by Assorted Speakers
6:00 pm Closing
Off-Site Activities
Sept 24 Sunday ghost hunt at 6 pm Ghost Investigation at the Seville Quarter 130 E Government St Pensacola, FL 32502 https://www.pensacolaghostevents.com/
Vendors, Artists, & Exhibitors
Ghost and Paranormal Investigations

Ghost Investigation at the Pensacola Victorian Bed & Breakfast. We will provide ghost-hunting equipment, but feel free to bring your own! Audio equipment & and digital cameras are allowed. Pensacola Victorian Bed & Breakfast 203 W Gregory St, Pensacola, FL 32502
Location's Haunted History: Built by ship captain William Northup in the 1890s, this inn is home to some mysterious happenings. Witnesses have heard sounds with no apparent source, including classical music and children playing and giggling. The apparition of a woman in a Victorian nightgown has been noted, and the smells of cooking breakfast have been detected long before the kitchen was open.
850 941 4321

Ghost Investigation at the Seville Quarter!
We will provide ghost-hunting equipment, but feel free to bring your own!
Do YOU dare dine inside one of Pensacola’s oldest buildings at its MOST HAUNTED restaurant? Come investigate the ghosts of Seville Quarter with actual ghost-hunting equipment!
Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, paranormal activities, history, and more of Seville Quarter and downtown Historic Pensacola.
We will provide ghost-hunting and paranormal equipment, but feel free to bring your own!
Seville Quarter 130 E Government St Pensacola, FL 32502
Location's Haunted History: Seville Quarter has been sitting on Government Street since 1871 when the main building was the Pensacola Cigar and Tobacco Co. However, the business of this building hasn’t always been the most honorable. Being just a few blocks from the docks, Seville Quarter was a central part of Pensacola’s red light district, and the second floor of Seville may have been used for this purpose “off the books” even into the 1930s. On two separate occasions, strange women have been seen by Seville employees on the second floor. Then there is Seville Quarter’s resident ghost, Wesley Gibbs. Wesley was a bartender at Rosie’s in the early 1990s and after his shift one night went into the cooler to escape the heat. He suffered from a heart attack in the cooler and died at 27 years old. “About 15 years ago I was in Rosie O’Grady’s bathroom upstairs trying on Mardi Gras costumes when I felt someone in the room with me. I saw a woman wearing a white, puffed-sleeved dress. Eight years ago our graphic designer Ryan Little saw a woman wearing a velvet cape standing in front of her desk. She said she could see the transparent silhouette of the woman and the dust particles in the light. Wesley is our resident ghost. Since I’ve been working here for 10 years, he’s done things like turn radios and the copier in the hallway on. He’s very mischievous. I tell him to knock it off.” -Nancy Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant, Seville Quarter.
850 941 4321